2019 Inter university alumni cricket tournament

Sunday, 24 March 2019

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2019 Inter university alumni cricket tournament

24th March 2019 (Sunday)

Templestowe Cricket Club, 100 Porter Street, Templestowe, VIC 3106

Time: 9am onwards

The second calendar event for 2019 is the Inter-University Cricket Carnival with six Sri Lankan University Alumni Associations ((University of Colombo, University of Peradeniya, University of Kelaniya, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, University of Ruhuna and University of Moratuwa). This would be a great opportunity to catch up with your friends while having a fun day with cricket matches. There will be a DJ, papare, jumping castle, face painting and more kids’ activities during this event.

Please come and join for a cup of tea with former Sri Lankan cricket captain, T. M. Dilshan.

What to bring:

  1. Refreshments:

We kindly request you to bring a plate to share among CUAAV members from the following food items (Kiribath/lunumiris, aandwiches, cake, biscuits and any savouries including cutlets, rolls, patties etc.) Please place your food item on the table in the CUAAV hut.

Two food trucks including hoppers will be available for the lunch. Cups, plates, water, soft drinks, tea & coffee will be provided.

  1. Folding chairs

Remember to bring your folding chairs.

Remember to wear your CUAAV polo shirt. If you do not have one, email your shirt size (S,M,L) to info@cuaav.org.au. Just to give you a perspective, size M has a width of 55cm and a height of 70cm.

There will be a DJ, papare, jumping castle, face painting and more kids’ activities during this event. Club house and toilet facilities will be open. Please come along with your family to support CUAAV.

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